"Becoming Her" - Becoming the version of myself that is living my next evolution
I've learned how to get crystal clear on how to embody, “who is this version of me?”
Whether I'm connecting with a certain manifestation, a desire, a pattern I want to break, a way I want to show up differently, the most confident version of myself…

I use this
process for
program launches, money milestones, dynamics I want to see in my relationship, negative stories that I want to come out of, patterns that don’t serve me, business goals, habits I want to form
I use
Her for
every are of my life, and it’s what I teach my clients as well.
It's allowed me to create a 7 figure business
It's shifted my relationship to just about to breakup >>> a thriving marriage
It's supported me to create safe, intimate friendships I can count on
It's helped me be seen as an authority in my field and so much more...

This is not
fake until you make it.
This is embody it till you are it. And it's something that I want to teach you.
"I booked a six figure speaking engagement after this workshop." - Brittany M.

Introducing, Embodied Evolution.
A 90 minute workshop for anyone who is ready to evolve into their next growth and transformation.

In this experience I am supporting you
in connecting with your next evolution, the newest version of you
By the end of this workshop you will know in your BONES who this version of you is and how to take action in your life from this place in order to have, be and do it all.
I'm going to be teaching you
the exact process that I use, and the somatic embodiment practice to really tap into this version of yourself until it is literally written in your tissue. Until it’s not just a desire…but it’s your living embodiment
If you want to change an aspect of your external world, feel what could happen if you were to shift your internal world first...

Just in case you're unsure...
here's some more opinions:
My prayer for you in this workshop
I pray for your healing
I pray you meet yourself with kindness and compassion
I pray that you bring your courageous heart, while also listening to and honoring your timing
I pray you feel safe and supported
I pray this process is fun!
I pray that I can be of service to your wholeness
I can’t wait to hold you